The purpose of the Wild Ambo app is to assist Wilderness Ambassadors for TKO on their wilderness hikes by allowing them to collect all the relevant data within the app and then uploading automatically to the TKO (Trailkeepers of Oregon) website.
Additionally it guides the Wilderness Ambassadors through the hike in the fashion prescribed by TKO.
Quick Overview of the app
Home Screen

The home screen is the main navigation for the tile. Each pf the navigation sections are in the approximate order that the hike is likely to proceed.
The navigation items that are highlighted are those that are used during the actual hike and where the data is collected.
All data that is collected during the hike will persist – whether the app is put into the background or closed. If you close the app and then reopen it then the data will be retained.
Data is only for a single hike. The idea is that after the hike you upload the data to the TKO website and start fresh on the next hike.
Each navigation screen has a back arrow that will take you back to the Home Screen.
TKO Preamble
These set of screen hold the pre-able to a TKO hike.

Hike Overview

The hike overview is the initial set of data about the hike. This can be set before you leave for the hike or at the trail head. The options are:
Date: The date of the hike
Ranger District : A pull down list of the ranger districts. Select the ranger district where your hike will be.
Name: The names of all the hikers on the hike. If there is more than one then separate the names with a comma.
Trailhead: The name of the trailhead where you’re hike will start
Trailnumber: The number of the first trail that you will be leaving on from the trailhead
Other Trail Numbers: A list of the other trail numbers that you will be hiking on through this hike. Outside Wilderness
Outside Wilderness

The outside wilderness screen is for collecting data outside of the wilderness boundaries. To capture a group that you encounter you can enter the data in one of two ways:
- Select the group size from the number buttons. Once you let go of the button the text field will automatically include that group.
- You can edit the text field directly. If you edit the text field directly you can add or delete entries. Make sure the entries are separated by a comma.
After you edit the the number of groups – the number indicator next to Groups Encountered is automatically updated.
Set the Time Wilderness Entered and Time Wilderness Exited to the time you enter and exit the wilderness. The Total Time in Wilderness will be automatically calculated.
Note that you will have to come back to set the Time Exited Wilderness on the way out of the wilderness. This will also allow you to continue to capture the groups encountered outside the wilderness.
Inside Wilderness

The Inside Wilderness screen is for capturing the data from inside of the wilderness. Transition to this screen when you cross the wilderness boundary. The groups counting works in the same way as described above.
Groups Encountered are groups where there was not a meaningful interaction. For example if you were talking to a group of hikers and another group passes by.
Groups Contacted are groups where there was a meaningful conversation about the wilderness and leave no trace principles.
Note that at the end of the text field is a running total of the total number of individuals contacted in the wilderness.
The remaining fields are self explanatory and are simply a numeric count that you can both increment and decrement.
While you are hiking, if there are conners that you need to note, about trail conditions, etc. These can be noted on the Summary Notes described in the next section.
Summary Notes

The Summary Notes screen is for recording additional details about the hike in the wilderness. This section has space for trail nots as well how much trash has been collected.
You can navigate to this screen at any time when you are on the hike and then return to the Inside Wilderness screen.
Additionally at the end of the hike use this screen to record the total number of miles travelled and the total volunteer duration.
The app does not record the total miles traveled – it’s is recommended you get this either from a map or from a hiking app.
The total volunteer time is the time from when you did the slack check-in, to the slack check-out.
Information Screen
There are then three screen for additional information.

LNT – these are the 7 LNT principles. This is included to help remind Wilderness Ambassadors of the 7 principles and the 36 points below. Refer to this at any time if you need a quick refresher on LNT
Regulations – these are the national forest regulations. Again these are handy to remind you where the no camping areas are and where there are permanent fire bans.
Survey – this page contains a link to the Timberline Trail survey. If you meet hikers who are completing the entire loop, please share this QR code with them. They are likely going to have to take a photo as there is no cell service open a lot of the trail, but they will be able to navigate there later. All information about the survey and the results can be found on that page.
Manage Data

The final screen allows you to manage the data that you have captured from your hike. You can upload the data directly to TKO. To do this you have to login with your Google credentials. This is the Google account that you use to access the TKO spreadsheet. No login information is stored by the app – this is all handled by Google.
The second option is to Erase the current data – this will reset the data. You can do this after you are sure the data has been uploaded correctly to the Google spreadsheet.
Once you have logged on to your Google account (sometime it may look like you are logging on twice, this is once to authentically you and a second time to approve the use of the Google API to connect to the spreadsheet), the screen will change to indicated you are logged on.
You can now upload the data top the spreadsheet. A message will appear after the upload to either conform that it was successful, or to let you know it failed. If it failed try logging out and logging in again.
After successfully uploading the data – it is worth checking the spreadsheet to ensure that the data looks correct before erasing the data on the app.
Avoid adding the data more than once as this will create multipole rows in the spreadsheet from the same data.
Privacy Policy
The app collects data about the hike you are on. It asks for your name so that this can be uploaded to the TKO spreadsheet. This data is retained until you erase it through the Erase Data option. When you logon through Google, you are asked for your Google credentials. This login process is managed by Google and the app does not retain either your username or password. The login tokens are retained until you logout. It is recommend you logout after uploading the data.