As the leaves change color and the first snowflakes begin to fall, we find ourselves at the end of another fantastic hiking season on the Timberline Trail. It’s been an incredible journey since we launched the Timberline Survey in June, and we’re grateful for every hiker who participated. So the second Timberline Trail survey is closing.

This year marked our second season running the survey, and it’s been nothing short of extraordinary. We kicked off in June with a bit more snow than usual, adding an extra layer of challenge and beauty to our beloved trail. But as the snow melted away, it revealed the rugged beauty of the Timberline Trail that we all know and love.

Throughout the summer and well into October, we’ve seen hikers tackle the trail with determination and enthusiasm. Your participation in the Timberline Survey has provided invaluable insights that will help us continue to improve and provide useful information for the hikers to come.

But as October draws to a close, so too does our survey season. The dropping snow line and falling temperatures signal that it’s time for us to wrap up for the year. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who participated in this year’s survey. Your feedback is not just appreciated—it’s essential.

In a few days, we will officially close the Timberline Survey for this season – on November 1st. But don’t worry—the trail will be here waiting when the snow melts away, ready for another season of adventure. And when that time comes, we hope you’ll join us again for another round of hiking and surveys.

Until then, stay warm, stay safe, and look forward to the results of this years survey!


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