There has been a lot of buzz over the last couple of months on a new AI chatbot called ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a conversational AI chatbot that has an amazing range of capabilities, on a very wide variety of topics. This entire article was written by ChatGPT (anything in italics is written by me). There has been some light editing to remove some redundancy. All the images in this article are also AI generated – from DALLE-2. Welcome to the future: Exploring the Great Outdoors with AI: How Technology is Revolutionizing Backpacking.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we experience the great outdoors. From planning and navigation to gear selection and safety, AI is making backpacking more efficient and enjoyable than ever before. One area where AI is making a significant impact is in route planning and navigation. With the help of machine learning algorithms, hikers can now easily plan and navigate their backpacking trips, even in unfamiliar and remote areas. AI-powered apps and devices can also help hikers to predict weather patterns, find the best campsites, and even identify wildlife and plants along the trail. Additionally, AI is also helping to improve the performance and durability of outdoor gear, making it more suitable for backpacking and other outdoor activities.

How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Performance, Personalization, and Sustainability

Artificial Intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in the design and development of outdoor gear. From improving performance to personalizing designs, AI is revolutionizing the way we experience the great outdoors.

  1. Improved performance: AI can be used to analyze data and make predictions about how outdoor gear will perform in different conditions. This can help manufacturers to optimize the design of their products, making them more durable and efficient for backpacking and other outdoor activities.
  2. Tailored designs: AI can be used to personalize the design of outdoor gear based on the individual needs and preferences of hikers. For example, AI algorithms can analyze data on a hiker’s body size, weight, and preferred activities to create a customized backpack or pair of hiking shoes.
  3. Minimizing environmental impact: AI can be used to analyze data and optimize the design of outdoor gear to minimize its environmental impact. For example, using AI to optimize the design of a tent can reduce the amount of material used, making it more lightweight and easier to pack.
  4. Predictive maintenance: AI-powered sensors can be embedded in outdoor gear to monitor its performance and predict when it may need maintenance or replacement. This can help hikers to plan for potential repairs or replacements before they become critical, and prolong the life of their gear.
  5. Smart features: AI can be used to add smart features to outdoor gear, such as GPS tracking, weather forecasting, and navigation capabilities. This can make backpacking more efficient and enjoyable for hikers, as they can easily access information and plan their trips.

This is a reasonable set of comments – a little generic but as the basis of the explanation of the topic is pretty good. The power of ChatGPT is very much the conversation that you can have with it as asking for more details, or a introduction summary etc.

How Technology is Improving Planning and Real-time Navigation for Hikers

With the help of Artificial Intelligence, hikers can now easily plan and navigate their backpacking trips, even in unfamiliar and remote areas. From personalized route planning to real-time navigation, weather forecasting and identifying wildlife and plants, AI is making backpacking more efficient and enjoyable than ever before.

  1. Route planning: AI can be used to analyze data on terrain, weather, and other factors to help hikers plan the best routes for their trips. This can save hikers time and effort in researching and planning their trips, and increase the chances of a successful hike.
  2. Real-time navigation: AI-powered apps and devices can provide hikers with real-time navigation assistance, including turn-by-turn directions and alerts for potential hazards. This can help hikers stay on track and avoid getting lost, even in unfamiliar and remote areas.
  3. Personalized recommendations: AI can be used to analyze data on a hiker’s preferences and past experiences to provide personalized recommendations for routes, campsites, and other aspects of the trip.
  4. Weather forecasting: AI can be used to analyze data on weather patterns and provide hikers with accurate and up-to-date forecasts for their trip. This can help hikers plan for potential weather-related hazards and make adjustments to their plans as needed.
  5. Identifying wildlife and plants: AI can be used to identify wildlife and plants along the trail, helping hikers to learn more about their surroundings and increase their appreciation for nature.

Similar style of content and certainly good enough as an outline for some deeper research. However again its a little generic. However it does mention personalized recommendations. So this next section is a verbatim conversation with chatGPT on getting some recommendations for me. In some sense this is what most people look for when they search Google or they come to websites like HikeIt.

Let’s get personal!

Me: can you make a recommendation for me?

ChatGPT: I’d be happy to make a recommendation for you. Could you please provide me with more information on what specifically you are looking for a recommendation on? Examples include: a specific hiking trail, a navigation app, a weather forecasting app, a gear etc.

Me: I’m looking for recommendations on hiking trails

ChatGPT: There are many great hiking trails all around the world, depending on your level of experience, location and interests. Here are a few recommendations for some popular hiking trails:

  1. Pacific Crest Trail – This trail runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington, and offers hikers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges.
  2. The Inca Trail – This trail leads to Machu Picchu in Peru and offers hikers the chance to explore ancient Incan ruins and experience the diverse landscapes of the Andes.
  3. The Overland Track – Located in Tasmania, Australia, this trail offers hikers the chance to experience the unique flora and fauna of the island, and includes beautiful alpine landscapes and a trek to the summit of Cradle Mountain.
  4. The Milford Track – This trail located in New Zealand is considered one of the finest walks in the world, with stunning views of mountains, lakes and waterfalls.
  5. The West Coast Trail – This trail is located in British Columbia, Canada, and offers hikers the chance to experience the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island and the diverse wildlife of the area.

Please note that some of the trails may have restrictions and need to be reserved in advance, also always check the weather forecast and be prepared for the hike.

Me: Can you be more specific – I am an experienced hiker and backpacker, I live in Portland, Oregon, I enjoy overnight backpacking with my dog, and I can cover around 10 miles a day

ChatGPT: Sure, based on your location and preferences, here are a few specific hiking trail recommendations for you in the Portland, Oregon area:

  1. Eagle Creek Trail – This trail offers a variety of scenery including waterfalls, creeks and old growth forest. It’s a great trail for backpacking and is dog friendly, it’s around 40 miles in total but can be done in sections.
  2. Pacific Crest Trail – This trail runs through Oregon and Washington and offers hikers beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, it’s a long trail but you can hike sections that would fit your daily mileage.
  3. Timberline Trail – This trail circles the base of Mt. Hood and offers hikers beautiful views of the mountain as well as alpine meadows, forests and lakes. It’s a 40-mile loop that can be done over several days.
  4. The Columbia River Gorge Trail – This trail offers a variety of landscapes including waterfalls, canyons and rivers, it’s dog friendly and can be done in sections.
  5. The Tillamook Head Trail – This trail is located in the Tillamook State Forest and offers hikers beautiful coastal views, old growth forest and waterfalls. It’s a 10 mile round trip trail that can be done in one day.

Please note that trail conditions change due to weather, season and maintenance, always check with the trail management or park ranger station before heading out, also bring your dog’s necessary gear and be prepared for the hike.

Me: Let’s go with the Timberline trail – can you provide more details, the elevation change, what is the recommended time to hike and any dangers

ChatGPT: The Timberline Trail is a 40-mile loop trail that circles the base of Mt. Hood in Oregon, USA. It offers hikers beautiful views of the mountain as well as alpine meadows, forests, and lakes. The trail can be hiked in either direction, but clockwise is the most common choice.

The elevation change on the trail varies, but the highest point is around 6,000 feet, and the lowest point is around 3,500 feet. The trail starts at the Timberline Lodge and goes through several different ecosystems, including subalpine and alpine forests, meadows and wetlands.

The recommended time to hike the trail is around 7-10 days, depending on your level of experience and fitness. It’s a challenging hike, with steep inclines and rocky terrain in some sections, but it’s also considered a classic and rewarding hike.

Potential dangers on the trail include steep and rocky terrain, as well as exposure to the elements. Hikers should be prepared for changing weather conditions, including thunderstorms, snow, and high winds, and carry appropriate gear. It’s also important to be aware of the risk of hypothermia and altitude sickness. Additionally, hikers should be aware that the trail passes through wilderness areas, and there is a risk of encountering bears and other wildlife. Always check the weather forecast and trail conditions before heading out and be prepared for the hike.

Me: Give me a four-day, three-night itinerary starting at Timberline lodge

Chat GPT: Here’s a suggested four-day, three-night itinerary for hiking the Timberline Trail starting at Timberline Lodge:

Day 1:

  • Start your hike at the Timberline Lodge.
  • Hike to the Cairn Basin Campground (about 5 miles)
  • Enjoy the beautiful views of the mountain and the surrounding forests and meadows.

Day 2:

  • Wake up early and continue your hike to the Elk Cove Campground (about 8 miles)
  • Enjoy the beautiful alpine scenery and the chance to see wildlife.

Day 3:

  • Wake up early and hike to the Barlow Pass Campground (about 8 miles)
  • Enjoy the views of the mountain and the surrounding valleys and forests.

Day 4:

  • Wake up early and finish your hike to the Timberline Lodge (about 6 miles)
  • Congratulate yourself on completing the Timberline Trail!

Please note that this is a suggested itinerary and your actual mileage may vary depending on trail conditions, weather, and your own pace. Also, make sure to check with the trail management or park ranger station for the latest trail conditions, permits and reservations before starting your hike. Also, make sure to carry enough food, water, shelter, and first aid supplies for the duration of your hike, and be prepared for changing weather conditions.

At this point we got into a discussion on the inaccuracies of this itinerary.


There has been a lot of hype around artificial intelligence. It’s already here in many areas of our life. ChatGPT is revolutionary in bringing AI capabilities into a new experience. It has already written books, screenplays, software programs, games. It’s clearly incredibly valuable from a writing perspective, even if it is just getting the outline for an article together – there are other products that do this as well – such as Jasper.

It’s accuracy is not their yet for detailed planning of a route. This is where it could be extremely powerful. Today a lot of time is spent researching across multiple sites to get the right information. ChatGPT will soon be able to replace Google search for this. It’s also important to understand that ChatGPT learns and is constantly getting more accurate results as people correct its answers. Today it thinks there are footbridges across rivers around the Timberline Trail – an incorrect and dangerous message – but that may shortly change as it learns its answers.

There is no doubt that this technology will improve and will change how we look at the outdoors in many areas! AI will continue to revolutionize our lives and backpacking along with it.

As an interesting second mention – is an interesting middle ground. It is not as comprehensive as ChatGPT in having a discussion but does a very good job at siting where it gets its information. This really helps eliminate a lot of the searching that Google does today.


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